Feel the sensation of love with these warm roses! This enchanting arrangement will melt any lady's heart.
The round glass vase embraces bright red baby-roses, Kenyan pink baby-roses, magnificent full-bloomed pink and red roses, and complemented with vivid green leaves. Baby roses are known to be the most elegant bloom for any celebration or occasion. The hand-selected flowers were grown from the finest bulbs using the best soil, water, and light conditions, meaning that the long-stemmed roses will arrive fresh and beautiful.
Roses are a special gift anytime, and when you understand their meaning it is even more special. Red and pink roses together indicate passion, love, and romance. This gift of amazing pink and red is all what you need to celebrate a love event or to tell her how much you miss her. Every bloom has a phenomenal touch that is scattered throughout the design. A spectacular way to celebrate the occasion!